Periodic Environmental Monitoring Report


  1. What is periodic environmental monitoring report ?

Base on Circular 43/2015 / TT-BTNMT Regarding environmental status report, environmental indicator set and environmental monitoring data management, Periodic environmental monitoring report is a record of environmental monitoring results (waste water, exhaust gas, solid waste and hazardous waste,…) at the facility periodically every 3 months, 6 months or 1 year to assess the short-term environmental quality at the facility and report to the competent agencies such as Department of Environmental Protection, Department, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. From there, assess the pollution level of the environment and identify pollution risks in order to prevent pollution problems, develop pollution reduction measures and propose appropriate remedial measures.

  1. Who should prepare periodic environmental monitoring reports ?

All production and business establishments operating in Vietnam with production and business activities generate sources of pollution affecting environmental resources. Specifically, industrial parks, residential areas, urban areas, commercial centers, factories, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, … have a plan confirmation certificate. environmental protection, environmental protection scheme, EIA. Enterprises operating in production and business must conduct periodic environmental monitoring reports.

  1. What is the observation frequency for each object ?
  • Subjects to be monitored waste water, emissions generated from the process of production, business, services and the minimum frequency specified in Appendix 10 issued with Circular 31.
No Object Frequency of monitoring
1 Establishments with similar sizes to those specified in Appendix II of Decree No. 18/2015 / ND-CP

(Establishments must prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report)

01 time / 03 months
2 Establishments with similar sizes to those specified in Appendix 5.1 of Circular No. 27/2015 / TT-BTNMT

(Establishments must make Department-level environmental protection plans)

01 time/06 months
3 Establishments with the scale equivalent to the subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 32 of Circular No. 27/2015 / TT-BTNMT

(Establishments must prepare a District-level environmental protection plan).

01 time/01 year


  • For those who already have an automatic and continuous monitoring system of wastewater and emissions as prescribed in Article 26 of this Circular, only need to perform periodic monitoring of waste water and emissions according to regulations for Parameters have not been automatically and continuously monitored.
  • Establishments that are the subjects specified in Annex IV issued with Decree No. 18/2015 / ND-CP and Appendix I issued with Decree No. 19/2015 / ND-CP are not required to comply with the regulations. emission monitoring.
  1. What is the content of the periodic environmental monitoring report ?
  • The form of report on environmental monitoring results in batches is made according to Form A1, Circular 43/2015 / TT-BTNMT.
  • The annual general environmental monitoring result report form is made according to Form A2, Circular 43/2015 / TT-BTNMT.
  • When is the time to submit the regular environmental monitoring report ?
  • Time for submission of quarterly report (batch report): before April 30, July 30, October 30 and January 30 of the following year
  • Time for submission of 6-month report (batch report): before July 30 and January 30 of the following year.
  • Time to submit annual report (annual report): before March 15 of the following year.
  1. What is the process for implementing periodic environmental monitoring reports ?

Step 1: Survey and collect data related to the current operational status of the company, such as the natural conditions, climate, geology, socio-economic conditions surrounding the project area. Current state of ambient data.

Step 2: Identify sources of pollution such as: wastewater, exhaust gas, generated waste.

Step 3: Perform a statistical measurement of typical parameters of samples of waste water, waste and ambient air in compliance with the current standards or not. At the same time, periodically measure and take samples to analyze typical parameters related to sources of negative impacts of the surrounding environment.

Step 4: List and evaluate the pollution treatment measures used and used. Overall assessment of the environmental quality, sources of impacts and pollution effects on the environment, society and people around the place where the project is operating.

Step 5: Develop measures to minimize and prevent incidents.

Step 6: Commitment to overcome unsatisfactory contents, propose remedial measures, time limit for remedying, and commit to apply pollution treatment measures.

Step 7: Complete periodic environmental monitoring report in the form of Circular No. 43/2015 / TT-BTNMT dated September 29, 2015 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on environmental status reports, environmental indicators and management of environmental monitoring data.

Step 8: Send the documents to the owner of the enterprise for signature and seal

Step 9: Submit to competent authorities for appraisal and approval.

  1. What are the required documents for the preparation of periodical environmental monitoring reports ?

– Certification of environmental protection commitment, environmental protection plan or environmental impact assessment report or environmental protection scheme.

– Business license

– Contract of hazardous waste collection

– Contract of solid waste collection

– Document of hazardous waste collection

– License of wastewater treatment connection (if any)

– The overall floor plan

– Contract of land use right lease

– Electricity and water bill of the month

_ Depending on business lines, the business profile needs to supplement some other legal papers.

ETC Research Center for Environment and Technology specializes in making periodic environmental monitoring reports for production, business and service facilities. For detailed advice and quotation immediately contact us via Hotline: (028) 3916.2814 or 0916.014.343 (Ms.Nhi) or Email:



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